Dr. Ziering Featured in Article About Ways to Deal with an Oily Scalp

A normal, healthy scalp is constantly producing sebum, a thick waxy substance that is also our body's natural moisturizer," explains hair transplant surgeon Dr. Craig Ziering. Usually, the excess oiliness occurs when we overproduce sebum. That said, it can be hard to suss out the cause of an oily scalp because, as trichologist Bridgette Hill explains, "all abnormal scalp

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Dr. Ziering Featured in NEW BEAUTY MAGAZINE about Hair Loss

Specializing in everything hair loss–related, Beverly Hills, CA hair restoration specialist Dr. Craig Ziering says, of late, he’s been giving his patients some decidedly modern-day advice—and it’s something that goes beyond the standard words of wisdom when it comes to matters of hair health.

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Dr. Ziering mentioned in Spanish article about the World Congress on Hair Recovery

The 5th. World Congress on FUE Technique , became the event with the largest number of hair transplant surgeries performed. 20 operations were performed in 6 operating rooms with closed-circuit transmissions of state-of-the-art LED screens and super zoom cameras in each operating room, allowing each professional to see the detail of the procedures.

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Dr. Ziering on Fox 4 News Talking About Understanding The Long Term Effects of COVID-19 On Your Hair Health

Men and women are experiencing hair losses equally. Most cases can be addressed and reversed. The hair loss appears to be caused by both the physical virus along with the physiological and emotional stress. It is reversible and can be treated.

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Dr. Ziering talks with Elite Daily about Eyebrow Hair Loss and What Treatment Options Work – Everything from Eyebrow Hair Regrowth Serums to Eyebrow Hair Transplants

Eyebrow serums have lots of purported benefits, and while they can help promote a thicker, fuller appearance, it's important to note that they won't actually grow back new hair.

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Dr. Ziering on WKOW Discussing Hair Loss Treatment Tips

The stress of 2020 may be a contributing factor to hair loss for some. Dr. Craig Ziering, Hair Restoration Specialist and Transplant Surgeon, joined us to share more about available hair loss treatment solutions, ways to prevent hair loss, and tips for getting your hair growing again.

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