What Is A Hair Restoration Hairline Lowering Procedure?

Bring Back Your Hairline With Hair Restoration

Hairline lowering is a common hair transplant surgery procedure. Many are surprised when they find out someone they know or a celebrity has undergone a hairline lowering surgery. Typically only those closest to the patient tend to notice as the change is subtle.  Hairline lowering is also known as a forehead reduction using hair, and is a surgical procedure that allows women and men to regain the frontal part of the hairline that was genetically high (“five head”) or receded from male pattern or female pattern loss.

The goal of a hairline lowering procedure is to restore an aesthetically pleasing hairline. There are two methods to treat a missing frontal hairline. The first method combines a surgical advancement flap of the existing hairline and then adding hair into the scar area that was created to lower the hairline. We do not prefer this method as it may result in visible and undesirable scarring in the hairline, or even behind the hairline, which may require additional grafting of hair. More patients are choosing to lower their hairline via a hair transplant only, thus reducing the size of the forehead and creating a natural look. Patients that are transgender and transitioning from male to female also desire a more feminine look, and seek out hairline lowering procedures that are aesthetically pleasing for a female face.

Identifying A Receding Hairline

You may notice thinning in areas that were fuller and thicker at some point. A receding hairline may begin at the edges, corners, or areas near the temples, as well as the leading edge in the frontal hairline. You will start to notice more scalp, a more “see through” appearance, “bare” or “bald” spots on your head where the hair has begun to recede.

Causes of a Receding Hairline

A receding hairline pattern is a genetic trait. Family history is the most common cause, but these additional factors may contribute to your receding hairline.

  • Hormonal changes
  • Medical conditions
  • Medications and/or supplements
  • Radiation therapy
  • Stress
  • Hairstyles or hair treatments
  • Traction alopecia

One of the reasons you should meet with one of our surgeons and why we look at your medical history is we need to identify the factors that contribute to your receding hairline before we recommend a treatment plan for you.

Is Surgery Right for Me?

It is important to think about your way of life and will surgery benefit you and your issue of hair loss. Will the surgery benefit your way of life? Are you in the public eye often? Will you become more confident? Will you be happier? Remember, this is a surgical procedure but this procedure can turn back the hands of time making you look and feel years younger.  And remember, the procedure is not only done for patients with receding hairlines, but also for patients who were born with a “high forehead” and want to restore the hairline to a more aesthetically pleasing location.

If you have more questions about hair transplant surgery or hairline lowering surgery, contact us to schedule your FREE private hair restoration consultation.