Dr. Craig Ziering Published in Dove Medical Press – Hair follicle growth by stromal vascular fraction-enhanced adipose transplantation in baldness

Male and female pattern of hair loss (MPHL and FPHL) is characterized by progressive thinning of the scalp hair. MPHL affects half or more of males before the age of 50 years.1–6 In women, FPHL is a common condition characterized by diffuse thinning and reduction of hair density in the frontal and mid-scalp and crown with retention of the hairline. Prevalence of FPHL increases with age, and ~50% of women experience FPHL by age 50.7–9 Great interest remains in finding new and emerging therapies for the treatment of MPHL and FPHL. Treatment options for men and women with hair loss include medical therapy, hair transplant surgery, low-level laser therapy, hair systems, micropigmentation of the scalp, and topical concealer fibers.10–17 These options are not without shortcomings, and thus researchers are always looking for new and alternative therapies
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