• Post published:April 18, 2019

Try FUT or FUE for Hair Restoration in Hollywood

Hair loss and baldness are common problems in Hollywood. For this reason, different institutions have researched and developed effective  hair restoration  procedures. Among the most effective hair restoration procedures are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT).

You will need to consult the experts about which method suits you best. Once you have
the knowledge about each procedure, you will be in a position to decide whether to go for Follicular Unit Transplant or Follicular Unit Extraction. Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplant are advanced hair restoration procedures that are slowly making hair loss a myth. They will eliminate baldness and other hair loss problems, thus leaving the scalp looking natural.

Follicular Unit Extraction

FUE is a hair restoration procedure where a small patch of hair is obtained from the
donor areas of the patient. Each round punch of the follicular units obtained is inserted into the area experiencing balding or hair loss. Follicular Unit Extraction is more popular than other methods as it is minimally invasive, and this means you do not need downtime. Moreover, it results in fewer scars since each hair follicle is extracted and transplanted individually. On another note, Follicular Unit Extraction takes longer per session since the practitioner has to move individual hair follicles.

Follicular Unit Transplant

When Follicular Unit Transplant is being done, clusters of hair are removed as strips from the donor area. These are then divided into individual strips or groups of hair before that are accurately inserted into the area that is bald or just experiencing hair loss. Although FUT will require some recovery time, it is quicker to carry out than FUE.

Which Hair Restoration Procedure is Right for You?

Are you unable to pick the method that will work for your situation? If you are, our hair
restoration experts in Hollywood will help you identify the hair restoration procedure that perfectly fits your needs. Most people prefer less recovery time and so choose FUE over FUT, although Follicular Unit Transplant is suitable for patients on a tight schedule. To learn more about these hair restoration methods, we warmly invite you to make an
appointment with  Ziering Medical. At our convenient locations in Hollywood, Newport Beach, New York, Las Vegas, and Oakbrook, our caring and experienced team of professionals will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.  Contact us today  to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!