• Post published:November 18, 2019

Tory Lanez Reminds the World He Doesn't Wear a Hairpiece

By Joshua Espinoza

Tory Lanez isn’t ashamed to say that he once struggled with hair loss. The 27-year-old artist has given multiple interviews in which he admitted to taking steps not only to prevent further thinning, but to regrow his receding hairline.

“If you look back at my old pictures, my only issue was my corners were gone,” he said during a recent interview with HipHopDX. “… I fixed my corners and I just let the rest of my hair grow in. Some parts going a little faster than others, so it be a little unequal when I don’t lay it down … I’m coming back with the braids. I’m coming back crazy on y’all. Y’all think it’s a joke.”

So, what’s the secret to Lanez’s new look? Well, he claims it isn’t plugs—and definitelynot a wig. The Chixtape 5 artist addressed his “natural” hair restoration methods in the latest episode of Pull Up with Joe Budden. Lanez said his new hairline was part of a larger mission to elevate his look as he was becoming more and more famous.

“I met a doctor that does hair restoration—that n***a is specifically for African American and Latino hair. So, basically, I was going away on my corners. They help me do the restoration,” he said at around the 9-minute mark, before clarifying he did not do hair transplants. “It’s not Bosley, though … that’s when they slice your head and do all this weird shit. I didn’t do that. My shit is more so natural.”

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Manuel

    How much would a procedure cost?

  2. Manuel

    How much would a procedure cost? A range is what I’m looking for.

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