(Salt Water Soaks)

Your surgeon has developed the following post‐operative instructions.  Please read and follow them carefully as they are intended  to help you maximize the results of your hair transplant surgery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at


  • You will need gauze, table salt, 1 gallon distilled water, and a spray bottle. Mix 1 gallon of distilled water with 10 tablespoons of salt. This will be your solution to be spraying for the next 5 days after your surgery.
  • Remove all dressings when you get home.
  • After dinner, start taking medications as prescribed one hour apart from each other with food.
  • Start icing and massaging your forehead as directed
  • Use button down shirt
  • Sleep at a 45-degree angle
DAYS 1-5:
  • On the day following your procedure (if you are not able to come to our office for a hair wash), you will begin washing your hair using baby shampoo preferably in the morning.
  • Do NOT touch or allow the shower stream to hit the grafts for five days.
  • To wash the grafted area, pour a small amount of shampoo into a clean cup, and then fill the cup with water creating a soapy solution.
  • Next, pour the soapy solution over the grafted area.
  • Then, fill the cup with plain water and pour over the grafted area until all of the soap is rinsed out of the area. 
  • You can wash any ungrafted area and donor area in a normal fashion by using a small amount of shampoo and lightly rubbing the donor area enough to wash off the previous application of bacitracin antibiotic ointment that was applied on surgery day.
  • After washing your hair once every day, reapply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the donor area.

 – For sutures, apply ointment for 8 days or stop 2 days before suture removal. 

– For FUE, apply ointment for 14 days. 

  • Start spraying salt water on grafted area only, spraying 3-4 spritzes, every hour throughout the day while awake. Use every day for 5 days.
  • Starting on the sixth day, before washing your hair, apply a small amount of baby conditioner or your own conditioner onto the dry, grafted area and leave on for 10-15 minutes. This will help the crusts (scabs) to soften and fall off.
  • Continue this method until all of the scabs have fallen off.
  • Then you may shower and wash your hair by gently massaging all areas and rinsing under the shower head.
  • Continue applying a thin layer of bacitracin antibiotic ointment daily.

With the help of Ziering Medical, you will learn all there is to know about what causes hair loss and discover the best solution for you.  Click below to schedule a consultation.

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